• Tags: Republican Party

Banner 6 of the exhibit on "German Iowa and the Global Midwest"
DM-Iowa-Post.1860-06-30.Lincoln-für Präsident.Half-Crop.jpg

In 1860, the Iowa Wöchentliche Post, a Republican newspaper based in Des Moines, announced the nomination of Abraham Lincoln as Republican candidate for President to its readers.

Eiboeck reviews both German and English newspapers in the state regarding matters of interest to "liberal" German voters. Some German papers have endorsed the Anti-Monopoly party ticket, while others advise rejecting the party, which refused to…

Sample election ballot for the Muscatine city elections of March 4, 1918, published by the Muscatine Herold. By publishing the ballot with an affidavit in German from the City Recorder, the Herold allowed its readers to familiarize themselves in…
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