Advertisements from the Dubuque National-Demokrat: the top-most one for costume rental; the middle one for a masquerade ball sponsored by the "Harmonie Damen-Verein" (Harmony Ladies' Club); the bottom one for a masquerade ball sponsored by the…
Three advertisements concerning Mardi Gras activities in Dubuque: 1) a masquerade ball in the German City Theater (Deutsches Stadttheater) with prize competition for the best costume; a ball in City Hall sponsored by the German Aid Society; a…
While it is uncertain who organized this masquerade ball--either the proprietor of Ham's Hall or another group that rented the hall--they are clearly proud of the prize money that they have set aside for the best costumes.
Ad placed by the Des Moines Turners in the Iowa Staats-Anzeiger, with announcements a Mardi Gras masquerade ball as well as for two plays performed in the Turner Hall: "Die Eifersüchtigen" (The Jealous) by Roderich Benedix; "List und Phlegma"…
Eiboeck reviews both German and English newspapers in the state regarding matters of interest to "liberal" German voters. Some German papers have endorsed the Anti-Monopoly party ticket, while others advise rejecting the party, which refused to…
Eiboeck devotes his second 'English Department" to a discussion of relations among American ethnicities and a
description of the "grandest event of the season in Des Moines," the Masquerade Ball held in the Turner Hall.
Announcement of upcoming events in the Des Moines Turner Hall: a Mardi Gras Maskenball and performances of "The First Lunch" by Karl Görlitz and "The Promise Made behind the Stove" by Alexander Baumann