In this letter the librarian at Cornell college writes back to inform HJM that while they do have pro-German war books at the library they are keeping them under close watch but will not remove them entirely because the modern history classes sill…
Chairman of Iowa Council of National Defense, Lafayette Young, writes to the Librarian, moreover librarians across the state of Iowa, requesting books from pro-German sources be removed from the public supply and reported back to the council.
This letter was a reply to an earlier demand to remove all possible pro-German propaganda from public libraries. It defended the loyalty of the library itself, and asserted that the current librarian had burned most of the pro-German books the…
Ainsworth requests any giving public speech in foreign language to submit draft to board, and make sure to hit on "certain fundamental propositions connected with the participation of the United States in the present year."
This letter basically says to remove any books from the library that could be considered favoring the german side. Good evidence for talking about the vilification of germans and wartime policy.