• Collection: Religious Services
184899-997118 - Nelson Kaitlyn - May 12, 2016 703 PM - NelsonK_Herbert J. Metcalf to L. H. Chandler, Jan. 22, 1918_Metcalf.jpg

This is a letter sent from Herbert J. Metcalf responding to the situation with the Holland school in Sanborn, Iowa. He tells him there is nothing that can be done to close the school. He still believes they are doing a great deal of damage and not…
198708-997118 - Gustafson Johnie - May 3, 2016 1000 PM - GustafsonJ OfficeDepartmentSignalOfficertoDanielWMorehouse Metcalf_1.jpg

This letter is from the Office Department Signal Officer to D.W. Morehouse at Drake University in Des Moines Iowa. This letter is regarding the recruitment of college men to become trained telegraphers for the U.S. Army. This letter is in response to…
262461-997118 - Gilbert Alyssa - Apr 11, 2016 232 PM - GilbertA_Letter_Concerning_Language_Learning_Curriculum_Metcalf.JPG

In this letter, there is a call for the superintendent of a school system to abolish the teaching of any new classes which teach German.
262461-997118 - Gilbert Alyssa - Apr 11, 2016 232 PM - GilbertA_Letter_Concerning_the_Burning_of_pro-German_Books_1_Metcalf.JPG

This letter was a reply to an earlier demand to remove all possible pro-German propaganda from public libraries. It defended the loyalty of the library itself, and asserted that the current librarian had burned most of the pro-German books the…

This letter tells of the removal of several books that were of pro-German sentiment. These three books had been removed from circulation, and had been listed according to author and title. The letter also requests a list of books which should be…
233075-997118 - Foley Taylor - May 4, 2016 936 PM - FoleyT Unpatriotic Metcalf.JPG

The superintendent of Lineville, Iowa schools is worried that one of his teachers is unpatriotic and the person reporting the issue doesn
233075-997118 - Foley Taylor - May 4, 2016 936 PM - FoleyT Rock Valley Public School Metcalf.JPG

The superintendent of Rock Valley public schools doesn

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198867-997118 - Engstler Emma - May 3, 2016 545 PM - EngstlerE_Moville Public Schools to Council of Defense_Metcalf.jpg

Moville High School does not want to discontinue German being taught in their high school at this particular time. Students will not have necessary credits amounts to graduate. Moville Public Schools hopes to get accredited or approved in languages.
12  2  17.JPG

Kerfuffle over lecture on a "German subject" by an "enemy alien."
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