• Tags: Leisure
257578-997118 - Van Eldik Noah - May 3, 2016 507 PM - VanEldikN_LetterRegardingposters senttostatecouncilofDefense_Metcalf2.JPG

Letter asking the Navy department to send 1000 posters to the State Council of Defense so they can distribute them accordingly. These posters have reference to theaters, clubs, railroad stations, and better class of shops
257205-997118 - Hovden Teeya - May 3, 2016 124 PM - HovdenT_Waverly,IowaLibrary_Metcalf5.jpg

Mrs. E. L. Kenney replying to H. J. Metcalf assuring him that she went through the entire library and they do not have one
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Change the proclamation from "should" to "would" to give it some teeth.
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Weeks with hilariously sincere analogy between United States and proper attitude of those joining new lodge.
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On the situation in Davenport, with aside about problems with German Singing Society
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Muscatine's Maennerchor requests permission to resume singing German lieder, as war is over.
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Lutherans are going to hold a "patriotic celebration," but want to also include a section on Liberty Bonds in German.
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Clinton sheriff didn't allow viewing of 'Best of Berlin,' propaganda film. Faxon wants to look into it.

Photo album of German-Jewish Salzmann family in Berlin as they prepare for emigration, and eldest daughter Ruth in England as part of the Kindertransport.
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