Eiboeck reviews both German and English newspapers in the state regarding matters of interest to "liberal" German voters. Some German papers have endorsed the Anti-Monopoly party ticket, while others advise rejecting the party, which refused to…
In reaction to a letter that John P. Irish had published in the German newspaper Dubuque National-Demokrat, which attacked Joseph Eiboeck's alledgedly insulting rhetoric in a speech at the Anti-Monopolist state convention in July 1874 in favor of…
Ad placed by the Des Moines Turners in the Iowa Staats-Anzeiger, with announcements a Mardi Gras masquerade ball as well as for two plays performed in the Turner Hall: "Die Eifersüchtigen" (The Jealous) by Roderich Benedix; "List und Phlegma"…