• Tags: Violence
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Postman refuses to deliver mail to Germans after brother dies in France.
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Wonders what the current position is on languages. Are "we to let these fellows do as they please and talk as they like now, or are we still making them be good."
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Desires proclamation against "mob violence" against pro-Germans, which "disgrace[s]" the state. Nonetheless, explicitly against disloyal pro-German elements. Attaches news clippings.
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Passing on letter, noting that if things continue as is "we would have a lot of telephone poles decorated with Huns or [either] have the german language stopped."
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Concerning unpatriotic actions, and violence, by groups, namely "labor leaders" and those "stirring up dissension among the workers."
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This "mostly German" county how thinks they can "talk what they want to" now that the war is over. Gets a bit violent thereafter, as he engages in patriotic fantasies: "I am a real yankey [sic] and I am getting damned tired of it if you get a club…
Iowa City Beer Riot Reportage_22Aug1884.pdf

Report on beer riots in Johnson County in response to state prohibition laws.
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On pro-Germans in Floyd County. Author feels that "until some of these insulters of the American Cause stretch hemp, the boys in the trenches will not have the united support that they should have." Taking 'stretch hemp' to mean 'hang.'
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