Why the President of the National Brewers Association won't vote for Blaine
Hermann B. Scharmann, President of the National Brewers Association and a very influential Republican of the 21st Ward in Brooklyn, has as of now wholeheartedly declared his…
A collection of eyewitness accounts concerning the Iowa City Beer Riots, which began during the trial of local brewers Conrad Graf and John Dostal for having violated the state's new Prohibition law by selling beer on July 4, 1884, the day the law…
Eiboeck reviews both German and English newspapers in the state regarding matters of interest to "liberal" German voters. Some German papers have endorsed the Anti-Monopoly party ticket, while others advise rejecting the party, which refused to…
Three months into his tenure as editor, Eiboeck moved the Staats-Anzeiger's English-language editorials, his so-called "English Department," to the front page of the paper. In all subsequent issues, an overview of state news appears in German in the…
Joseph Eiboeck, who had passed away on 8 January 1913, had been president of the German-American Liberal League of Iowa. With the annual meeting of the league imminent, Paul Krüger, secretary of the organization, requests that other members of the…
In reaction to a letter that John P. Irish had published in the German newspaper Dubuque National-Demokrat, which attacked Joseph Eiboeck's alledgedly insulting rhetoric in a speech at the Anti-Monopolist state convention in July 1874 in favor of…
In reaction to a letter John P. Irish had published in the German newspaper Dubuque National-Demokrat, attacking Joseph Eiboeck's rhetoric in a speech at the Anti-Monopolist state convention in July 1874 in favor of including a license plank in the…