• Tags: Anti-German Sentiment
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Wondering how Babel affects the teaching of foreign languages in parochial schools.
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Lutherans are going to hold a "patriotic celebration," but want to also include a section on Liberty Bonds in German.
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Asking about authority of and authority over the Loyalty League, in context of their placarding campaign in Ida.
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Board of Ed. Endorses Babel, especially regarding German language, as seen in move to discontinue German-language classes.
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Confused half-endorsement of Babel from Swedish-born father of three sons in the army, yet a mother-in-law who can't understand sermons.
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Denunciation of John J. Adams, appointed to state board of defense, signed by "Disgusted Citizen." Claims Adams is a noxious pro-German who would rather than Germany win the war than lose under a Democratic Administration.
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