
Short news items in German from regions outside both the German Empire and the US, as published regularly in the German-language insert of the English-language Journal from Gutenberg, Iowa

The Davenport Demokrat publishes a notice that Joseph Eiboeck has bought the Iowa Staats-Anzeiger in partnership with P. Gehr.

The text of the petition, translated from an English petition in circulation at the time, requests that the Iowa General Assembly revoke the tax-exempt status of church property. In support, it claims that the value of church property (in Iowa?)…

Newspaper article with updates on successive ballot countings for the women's suffrage amendment. Results of the Republican primary for governor and for other state offices.

Editorial appealing to (male) voters to vote against the constitutional amendment for woman suffrage. The editorial argues that granting women the right to vote will alienate them from their traditional role as homemakers.
Der taegliche Demokrat Masthead.pdf

Masthead from Der Taegliche Demokrat
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