• Tags: Women
10  7  18_1.JPG

Mother of son in service writes of Germans continuing to speak in German, even in light of recent soldier funeral.
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Mayor writes regarding desire to rid Lowden of German language. How to proceed? Notes that in Davenport they've apparently been fining people [mostly women].
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Is Babel still in place? If they can still speak German, "why did we enter the war?"
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Telephone operator notes German defiance, as they say they can "speak whatever they want," citing "Predisent [sic] Wilson [saying] that they could talk the german [sic] over the Telephones."
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Babel being "ignored" in Manning, the "marshall and merchants" being the main transgressors. She can "furnish proof of one of our leading citizens saying that Germany ought to rule the world."
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Widow of German-American writes from Ohio, noting that husband asked to join secret society of German Americans who would fight for Fatherland in case of war. Centered in Denver, Iowa.
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Polite beseeching inquiry seeking permission to continue worshipping in German, especially for the community's older people. Notes the community's loyalty.
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Red Cross chapter from Waterloo wonders about Danish speakers in organization
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Teacher of Spanish and Italian inquires about their applicability under Babel
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