• Collection: Women and German Iowa
254795-997118 - Rauch Karsen - Apr 11, 2016 144 PM - RauchK_Coupland_Metcalf_1.JPG

HJM informs the recipient of his opinion about German being taught and spoken in schools. He then goes on to talk about how he is hoping the National Council in Washington will see the light with regard to the foolishness of the idea of allowing…
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Barr notes the pain she feels at continued use of German in town, as she has family members dead on account of the war.
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Is Babel still in place? If they can still speak German, "why did we enter the war?"

A composed portrait of German-American opera singer Rose Ettinger taken in Berlin during one of her pre-First-World-War tours of Europe.
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Polite beseeching inquiry seeking permission to continue worshipping in German, especially for the community's older people. Notes the community's loyalty.
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Worker in general store notes Germans saying they'll "talk German whenever they please."
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