Eiboeck announces the pending publication of a new German-Iowan newspaper, the Carroll Demokrat, to be published by Bowman and Burkhardt. The last announcement in the clipping concerns the final performance of the theater season in the Des Moines…
Conrad Beck, founding editor of the Iowa Staats-Anzeiger, announces that he has sold the newspaper to a new editor (Joseph Eiboeck) and bids farewell to his readers.
Announcement for the upcoming performance of "The Jealous Ones" (Die Eifersüchtigen) and "Guile and Ennui" (List und Phlegma) in the Des Moines Turner Hall.
Eiboeck, incoming editor of the Staats-Anzeiger, explains his goals for the paper. His main innovation is his "English Department": a weekly editorial column in English to reach non-German readers and advocate for "personal liberty" (and against…
Eiboeck devotes his second 'English Department" to a discussion of relations among American ethnicities and a
description of the "grandest event of the season in Des Moines," the Masquerade Ball held in the Turner Hall.
The Iowa Staats-Anzeiger reports on the death of Fannie Eiboeck, who died just three days after her husband Joseph. The obituary gives details of the funerals of both individuals. Minnie McFarland and Ms. M. Howard, surviving family members, offer…
On 6 August 1914, the Iowa Staats-Anzeiger devoted its top headline to "Germany at War with Russia and France!" The front page also reveals a completely German format, a break with former editor Joseph Eiboeck's practice of including English-language…
The Iowa Staats-Anzeiger devoted a front-page obituary to Joseph Eiboeck, who had edited and published the paper since 1874. The obituary contains details of Eiboeck's life, family, political activities, and professional pursuits.
Joseph Eiboeck, incoming editor of the Staats-Anzeiger, greets his new readers and explains his goals for the paper. He notes that, while he wishes to keep the paper politically independent, he is currently inclined to cast his lot with the…
Account of a public lecture on Vienna given by Joseph Eiboeck. Eiboeck, incoming editor of the Iowa Staats-Anzeiger, had served as honorary commissioner for Iowa at the Vienna World's Fair in 1873.