• Tags: 1917
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Writing his Senator, Rand suggests putting German prisoners of war to work in the Yakima Valley. NOTE: "I think a large percent of these Germans will never go back to Germany, but will settle right there in the Valley." Not a trace of concern over…
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Stolba wonders whether he is eligible for army service.
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Denunciation of John J. Adams, appointed to state board of defense, signed by "Disgusted Citizen." Claims Adams is a noxious pro-German who would rather than Germany win the war than lose under a Democratic Administration.
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Metcalf responds to Shambaugh, will be sending some secret servicemen.
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Regel informs on the disloyal statements of Robert Henry, who said the US was only in the war because of J.P. Morgan
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Report of disloyal remarks by Dr. Niemacks, who apparently condones German Army atrocities and rapes. Detailed list of other local pro-Germans.
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