• Tags: Violence
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Howell informs on a number of "the dirty creatures all talking in their own language" and her accompanying desire to "slap his face."
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Passing on letter, noting that if things continue as is "we would have a lot of telephone poles decorated with Huns or [either] have the german language stopped."
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On pro-Germans in Floyd County. Author feels that "until some of these insulters of the American Cause stretch hemp, the boys in the trenches will not have the united support that they should have." Taking 'stretch hemp' to mean 'hang.'
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After agricultural talk, Heidenreich notes that "we have a nest of pro-Germans here that should be rounded up and taught a good lesson."
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Report of disloyal remarks by Dr. Niemacks, who apparently condones German Army atrocities and rapes. Detailed list of other local pro-Germans.
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