• Tags: Babel Compliance

The Black Hawk, the student newspaper of Davenport High School, reported on the' burning of books in German "by about 50 lower classmen."
7  26  18_1.JPG

Another missive from German-American Patriotic Association.
5  29  18_1.JPG

Orth, officer in German-American Patriotic Association, passes on article to Harding.
6  14  18 (1).JPG

Vollmar notes the congregation's compliance, save for the families of several "boys in the service."
12  6  18_1.JPG

Ainsworth's side of the Kreutz case, in which he at first refused to come and then relented when given a public hearing. His fear is evident, and the coercion thick.
9  12  18.JPG

Harding responds to Kreutz: you need to go to that meeting. Tell them the truth and all will be fine.
8  19  18.JPG

Pastor notes his compliance but also the local CoD's requests for him to appear before them. He'd rather not. "May I kindly ask you the favor to protect me against such unpleasant interferences in order that I
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