• Tags: Babel Enforcement
6  19  18 conner.JPG

Local postmaster trying to "neutralize" Babel. Conner has talk with him.
11  24  17.JPG

Request from father of soldier son to be deputized in order to stop local Germans.
3  28  18 Spirit Lake.JPG

Response to Davis. Remember, pre-Babel. Here: "as to taking the law in your own hands, that is a question you should not propound to me. As Governor of Iowa, I cannot and will not advocate mob rule. There are times, however, when a little harmless…
7  3  18_1.JPG

Howell informs on a number of "the dirty creatures all talking in their own language" and her accompanying desire to "slap his face."
1  11  19_1.JPG

Postwar. Member of Lutheran congregation, for English-only, now bemoans those "old German heads" of the church trying to reinstate German services. Can the governor help him in stamping this out?
6  6  18.JPG

Response to Davis from Governor's office, noting that Babel wouldn't stop this woman from talking German, but that there is not reason "for this case to be given publicity through the columns of your paper."
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