• Tags: German Language
11  19  17.JPG

Reporting on rich German, Simon Snittjer, Sr. [sounds Dutch], who won't display flag or donate money. Someone subsequently defaced his property.
7  16  18.JPG

Lutheran church requests permission to give German sermon during funeral.
12  17  18 (1).JPG

Writing on behalf of congregation where all cannot understand English.
7  5  18.JPG

City marshall wonders about enforcement and how to report known "alien women."
6  18  18.JPG

"If ever there was a community that needed an awakening," it was Little Rock.
5  13  18_1.JPG

Incident in Little Rock. A pro-German was forced to "quit" the town, but came back later looking for trouble. A lot here.
6  18  18.JPG

Concerned citizens wonder why the teacher's college is permitted to teach German.
7  2  18.JPG

Lutheran pastor offers qualified support, noting that it was only "old custom" which kept him teaching younger children in German, although they understand English much better. He does ask for concessions in terms of elderly German-language speakers.
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