Religious Services


Babel Concessions?

Nashua mayor reluctantly forwards request from local German preacher regarding concessions for preaching.
Apostolic Church on Language

Apostolic elders note church's longtime dependence on German, their loyalty, and opposition to any upcoming language legislation, noting as well their independence from Amish and Mennonite communities.
Concessions for Monolingual

Preacher notes touching story of older monolingual German who would rather die than have no service in German, as he could not understand the English.
Concessions in Garnavillo

Group of pastors asks for concessions for monolingual parishoners.
Exemptions in Garnavillo

Otherwise compliant minister wonders about potential temporary exemptions.
Babel as Homogenizing Force

Babel supporter notes that, while "people have always formed groups according to their nationality and language, but when we all use the same language we will soon forget that such things exist in this county."