• Tags: Telephones
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Telephone operator notes German defiance, as they say they can "speak whatever they want," citing "Predisent [sic] Wilson [saying] that they could talk the german [sic] over the Telephones."
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Schrage wants to "compel" them to speak English over phone, even though war over.
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The business angle: owners of telephone exchange ruminate on business consequences were local German speakers not in need of phone lines.
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Writer wonders how to stop use of German over telephone lines.
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Confusion over what constitutes "public" versus "private" use of German. Here pertaining to a "thrashing crew?"
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Switchboard operator calls in, saying she knows of German usage on phone line. How to enforce?
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Report over foreign-language use on telephone. It is unclear whether the language is German or "Swiss."
3  13  18.JPG

Response to letter writer regarding difficulty of enforcing Babel.
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