In 1860, the Iowa Wöchentliche Post, a Republican newspaper based in Des Moines, announced the nomination of Abraham Lincoln as Republican candidate for President to its readers.
In reaction to a letter that John P. Irish had published in the German newspaper Dubuque National-Demokrat, which attacked Joseph Eiboeck's alledgedly insulting rhetoric in a speech at the Anti-Monopolist state convention in July 1874 in favor of…
Nicholas Gonner, editor of the Iowa, comments on Joseph Eiboeck's new English-language anti-temperance paper, the State Independent. Despite Gonner's support of the paper, he is concerned that Eiboeck's lack of religious sensibilities will alienate…
The text of the petition, translated from an English petition in circulation at the time, requests that the Iowa General Assembly revoke the tax-exempt status of church property. In support, it claims that the value of church property (in Iowa?)…
Eiboeck reviews both German and English newspapers in the state regarding matters of interest to "liberal" German voters. Some German papers have endorsed the Anti-Monopoly party ticket, while others advise rejecting the party, which refused to…
In reaction to a letter John P. Irish had published in the German newspaper Dubuque National-Demokrat, attacking Joseph Eiboeck's rhetoric in a speech at the Anti-Monopolist state convention in July 1874 in favor of including a license plank in the…
Incoming editor Paul Krüger thanks his readers in German for their positive comments regarding his changes in the typeface and layout of the Iowa Staats-Anzeiger. In English, he announces that he will do his best to continue the paper's…