Women and German Iowa


School Superintendent on Babel

County superintendent of schools approves of measure, as she has personally noticed the "pernicious influence" of foreign languages as the method of instruction.
Rockwell City Support

Mrs. Engel sends Harding a newspaper clipping, comments favorably on his speech in Rockwell City--in which he stood by his proclamation like a "man"--and notes that there are many loyal Iowans.
Scranton Opera House and Bertha's Millinery Store

A scrapbook page containing two images: Bertha and her business partner in front of their millinery shop in Scranton, Iowa; Scranton's Opera house
Photographic Portrait of Rose Ettinger in Berlin

A composed portrait of German-American opera singer Rose Ettinger taken in Berlin during one of her pre-First-World-War tours of Europe.
Anti-Germanism and other portrayals of Germany as seen in several Iowan newspapers during World War I.

This dissertation brings light to some of the Anti-Germanism that was rampant in Iowa during World War I. The dissertation focuses on Iowan newspapers that included some Anti-German language in its reporting. The dissertation also explains in part…
Concerns from Switchboard Operator

Switchboard operator calls in, saying she knows of German usage on phone line. How to enforce?
Criticism of Babel

Censure of Governor for Babel, which author notes resembles the "stain of Prussianism" and will work out in favor of Germany.
Non-German Languages Under Babel

Teacher of Spanish and Italian inquires about their applicability under Babel
Red Cross and Language Proclamation

Red Cross chapter from Waterloo wonders about Danish speakers in organization