Davenport Demokrat: Suffrage Amendment Defeated


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Aus dem Staate.
Frauenstimmrecht geschlagen.

Des Moines, 6. Juni. Das Schicksal des Frauenstimmrecht-Amendments ist noch zweifelhaft. 1200 Precinte von 2297 geben 83,390 für und 83,461 gegen das Amendment. Wahrscheinlich wird die offzielle Zählung abzuwarten sein.

Im Frauen Hauptquartier werden Mehrheiten in folgenden Counties beansprucht: Henry, Mahaska, Mitchell, Marshall, Polk, Cerro Gordo, Jefferson, Hamilton, Hardin, Floyd, Decatur, Wayne, Lucas, Ringgold, Crawford, Story, Dickinson, Ida, Marshall, Webster, Emmet Page, Fremont, Greene, und Grundy.

Niederlagen werden zugestanden in Linn, Scott, Des Moines, Dubuque, Wapello, Clinton, Claron, Tama, Woodbury und Pocahontes.

Der Rest der 99 Counties steht noch in Zweifel.

Später: Um 10 Uhr Nachts lagen offizielle und nichtoffizielle Berichte über die Fraunstimmrechtswahl aus 93 der 99 Counties vor, wonach das Amendment mit fast 6,000 Stimmen Mehrheit geschlagen ist.

Diese 93 Counties haben 137,760 Stimmen für und 143,669 gegen das Amendment abgegeben. Die rückstandigen 6 Counties werden das Resultat nicht wesentlich ändern.

Weitere Wahlberichte

Des Moines, 6.Juni. Die Niederlage des Verfassungsamendments für Frauenstimmrecht ist durch nahezu vollständige Berichte von allen Counties, mit Ausnahme von 5, festgestellt. Die genauen Zahlen sind 144,966 gegen und 139,253 für das Amendment.

Ueber 300,000 Stimmen wurden abgegeben und es war das stärkste Votum, das seit vielen Jahren in einer Primärwahl abgegeben wurde.

Der republikanische Gouverneurskandidat W.L. Harding hat zwischen 40 und 50 Prozent des rep. Votums erhalten, was ihm die Nomination sichert, ohne dass der Kampf in die Staatskonvention getragen wird.

Cosson war der zweite im Rennen und ist dem Senator Allen um etwa 10,000 Stimmen voraus, während Kuehnle als schlechter Vierter dem Sieger um 80,000 und Allen um 40,000 Stimmen nachsteht.

Andere Staatsbeamte scheinen wie folgt nominiert zu sein: Vicegouverneur G.R. Moore, Staatssekretär W.S. Allen, Schatzmeister W.C. Brown. Die anderen Kandidaten stehen noch im Zweifel.

[transcribed by Leanne Lenhart]


From the State.
Women’s Suffrage Defeated.

Des Moines, June 6th. The fate of the women’s suffrage amendment is still in doubt. In 1200 precincts out of 2297, 83,390 people voted for and 83,461 voted against the amendment. The official count will most likely still have to be awaited. In the women’s headquarters, majorities are claimed in the following counties: Henry, Mahaska, Mitchell, Marshall, Polk, Cerro Gordo, Jefferson, Hamilton, Hardin, Floyd, Decatur, Wayne, Lucas, Ringgold, Crawford, Story, Dickinson, Ida, Marshall, Webster, Emmet, Page, Fremont, Greene, and Grundy.

Defeats have been conceded in Linn, Scott, Des Moines, Dubuque, Wapello, Clinton, Claron, Tama, Woodbury, and Pocahontas.

[The results in] The rest of the 99 counties are still uncertain.

Later: Around 10 at night, official and non-official reports on the women’s suffrage vote were available from 93 out of the 99 counties, according to which the amendment was defeated by almost 6,000 votes. These 93 counties cast 137,760 votes for and 143,669 against the amendment. The remaining 6 counties will not change the result significantly.

Further Election Reports

Des Moines, June 6th. The defeat of the constitutional amendment for women’s suffrage has been confirmed by nearly complete reports from all counties, with the exception of 5. The exact numbers are 144,966 against and 139,253 for the amendment.

Over 300,000 votes were cast and it was the strongest vote given in a primary election in many years.

The Republican candidate for governor W.L. Harding received between 40 to 50 percent of the Republican vote, which secures him the nomination without the contest being carried into the state convention. Cosson was second in the running and is ahead of Senator Allen by around 10,000 votes, while Kuehnle, in fourth place, is 80,000 votes behind the winner and 40,000 votes behind Allen.

Other state officials appear to be nominated as follows: Vice Governor G. R. Moore, Secretary of State W.G.Allen, Treasurer W.C. Brown. The other candidates are still in doubt.

[translated by Leanne Lenhart]

Dublin Core


Davenport Demokrat: Suffrage Amendment Defeated


1916 Woman Suffrage Amendment;
Report on voting trends in the following counties: Cerro Gordo, "Claron" [Clarion, county seat of Wayne County?], Clinton, Crawford, Decatur, Des Moines, Dickinson, Dubuque, Emmet, Floyd, Fremont, Greene, Grundy, Hamilton, Hardin, Henry, Ida, Jefferson, Linn, Lucas, Mahaska, Marshall, Mitchell, Page, Pocahont[a]s, Polk, Ringgold, Scott, Story, Tama, Wapello, Wayne, Webster, Woodbury.
Candidates: W.L. Harding, Cosson, Allen, Kuehnle, G.R. Moore, W.S. Allen, W.C. Brown,


Newspaper article with updates on successive ballot countings for the women's suffrage amendment. Results of the Republican primary for governor and for other state offices.




Henry Lischer Printing Company; Fred Lischer; Oskar Lischer; Eduard Lischer


6 June 1916


State Historical Society of Iowa


Full June 6, 1916 issue of the Davenport Demokrat from the "Chronicling America" collection of the Library of Congress: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84027107/1916-06-06/ed-1/

Women's Suffrage in Iowa: A Digital Collection, Iowa Women's Archive, University of Iowa






newspaper article


microfilm newspaper collections, State Historical Society of Iowa