• Tags: German-American Women

Editorial appealing to (male) voters to vote against the constitutional amendment for woman suffrage. The editorial argues that granting women the right to vote will alienate them from their traditional role as homemakers.

Newspaper article with updates on successive ballot countings for the women's suffrage amendment. Results of the Republican primary for governor and for other state offices.
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Pro forma CoD business, but last section contains interesting aside about "German women" potentially stirring up trouble amongst Davenport community.

Sarah Keyes writes from Munich. She talks about her own adjustment to the city.

A composed portrait of German-American opera singer Rose Ettinger taken in Berlin during one of her pre-First-World-War tours of Europe.
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Mayor writes regarding desire to rid Lowden of German language. How to proceed? Notes that in Davenport they've apparently been fining people [mostly women].

"The Women Who Do Not Want Suffrage" make their case why they should not be given the right to vote in the upcoming constitutional referendum on 5 June 1916.

A scrapbook page containing two images: Bertha and her business partner in front of their millinery shop in Scranton, Iowa; Scranton's Opera house
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