
Why the President of the National Brewers Association won't vote for Blaine Hermann B. Scharmann, President of the National Brewers Association and a very influential Republican of the 21st Ward in Brooklyn, has as of now wholeheartedly declared his…

Announcement for the upcoming performance of "The Jealous Ones" (Die Eifersüchtigen) and "Guile and Ennui" (List und Phlegma) in the Des Moines Turner Hall.

Announcement of upcoming events in the Des Moines Turner Hall: a Mardi Gras Maskenball and performances of "The First Lunch" by Karl Görlitz and "The Promise Made behind the Stove" by Alexander Baumann

This ad for the Eagle Brewery of Christian Magnus in Cedar Rapids bears testimony to the state-wide readership of the Iowa Staats-Anzeiger. The ad notes that the Eagle Brewery won first prize at the Iowa State Fair in 1877.

Like many newspapers of the period, the Iowa Staats-Anzeiger published annual New Year's greetings for its readers. This greeting includes a poem on the new year of 1889, which reveals the Democratic leanings of the paper by lamenting that Grover…

The text of the petition, translated from an English petition in circulation at the time, requests that the Iowa General Assembly revoke the tax-exempt status of church property. In support, it claims that the value of church property (in Iowa?)…

Ad placed by the Des Moines Turners in the Iowa Staats-Anzeiger, with announcements a Mardi Gras masquerade ball as well as for two plays performed in the Turner Hall: "Die Eifersüchtigen" (The Jealous) by Roderich Benedix; "List und Phlegma"…

Editorial appealing to (male) voters to vote against the constitutional amendment for woman suffrage. The editorial argues that granting women the right to vote will alienate them from their traditional role as homemakers.
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