The referendum on women's suffrage will take place together with the June 5th primaries, in which voters will nominate candidates for state and county offices for the later November election. Should the measure be…
To Our Valued Readers
As most readers already know, foreign language newspapers are forbidden to publish articles about the war, the federal government, or anything concerning other countries at war, for as long as the war lasts, unless a notarized…
An Appeal to Men
The women of Iowa who are against women's suffrage are fighting for the vast majority of their gender.
They do not want the men of Iowa to impose the right to vote on them.
They do not desire the strife, the bitterness, and the…
THE ROAD TO DICTATORSHIP Now open wide thanks to Leipzig Verdict
Leipzig. The recent verdict of the Reichsgericht (Imperial Court of Justice), which approved the assumption of authority over the Prussian state government by a Reichskommissar…
HITLER RESTRICTS THE PRESS AND CIVIL RIGHTSStrict Emergency Decree Enacted, Even Stricter Ones Expected
Berlin. Chancellor Adolf Hitler has begun planning comprehensive restrictions, including restricting the press and limiting the right of…
POSTPONED The Choral Festival of the Northeastern Sängerbund by a Vote of Members
Philadelphia, PA. 5 October. The 25th National Choral Festival of the Northeastern Sängerbund (Singers' Federation) of America, which was planned for next year in…
Murderous Attack on Secretary of State Seward.
The joyous excitement felt by the whole country upon receiving the news of Lee's surrender on Monday last has now given way to deep sorrow. This past Saturday morning, the telegraph brought news that…