• Tags: Informants
11  24  17_Hillier.JPG

Watzke made the disloyal comment that "the Liberty Bonds were only worth fifty-cents on the dollar at the banks."
11  22  17.JPG

Notes worker at Coal Company who said that, if the US wanted to win the war, it'd take a lot of coal and "our women and children would have to freeze."
11  21  17_Stewart.JPG

Stewart recalls disloyal remarks made by local German Americans.
11  21  17_1.JPG

Report of disloyal remarks by Dr. Niemacks, who apparently condones German Army atrocities and rapes. Detailed list of other local pro-Germans.
11  19  17_Regel.JPG

Regel informs on the disloyal statements of Robert Henry, who said the US was only in the war because of J.P. Morgan
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